Hello, my friends!
It's been a long and grueling month.
But, it has been made so much better by all your kind words and wishes for comfort and peace. I showed my husband all your comments and he began to get choked up. What a blessing to be able to share it with him. Thank you, thank you for all your kindness.
My sisters and I are in the process of emptying out a house that my parents were in for 38 years. It's messy, thought-provoking, maddening, sad, cleansing, and brings the best and worst out of us all.
In the mean time, life around us continues.
I had signed up for the Hello Soul, Hello Business course put on by Kelly Rae Roberts and Beth Nicholls. It began two weeks after my mom passed away and I've been glad to lose myself in the lessons. All though I'm about a week and a half behind, I'm thankful for a self-paced online course!
My trend for burning dinner has been stopped, but it has been replaced by a vague forgetfulness to MAKE dinner.
Miss Party continues to dig her way to happiness in the trash, as forgetfulness reigns supreme for me right now.
Brenna is doing well, I'm thinking she's enjoying the pace of life at home.
My eldest turns 21 in a couple of weeks, we went down to see her and celebrate early.
I'm learning I don't like the title "executor".
It's being cemented that I would rather spend my days at the beach, or in the art room.
Or, an art room at the beach would be even better.
I know there's a reason and a purpose for me learning things like how to sell a house,
file a tax return for someone else,
manage several checking accounts into one, deal with bills, finishing loose ends, make calls to lawyers, credit card companies, phone companies, and go through a thousand papers and photos...
and yet,
I am beyond blessed because of the life that I do have now and friends like you.
much love to you.