I think it's not quite the end of summer, even though school is in full swing.
For one, we are having summer storms.
This is a huge novelty in our area.
Every afternoon, after the heat builds up to, oh, about 102, the clouds start rolling in. Then they turn an ominous gray and the wind starts to howl. Sometimes it rains, sometimes it spits, sometimes we get nothing. Either way, it's fun to experience.
The other reason I don't think summer is over is because I am still loving summer foods. Home grown tomatoes and peaches this week.
Don't you think if summer foods are still in season, it should still be summer vacation so that we have the time to savor the summer foods?
I will eventually get off the "why is summer over" bandstand.
Eventually, when it's no longer 95-104 degrees outside.

I found this amazing recipe for individual peach crisps here.
Brenna and I stopped at the store after school for more peaches so I could try the recipe out.
One reason I know summer (vacation) is finished is that our family is T.I.R.E.D.
Brenna is knocked out by 8:30, and I'm not far behind her.
Reason number two is that the word homework is once again uttered in our home.
It's not our favorite word.
Not that B has tons and tons of it, but it has always been the bain of her existence. I thought this year would be fun as she is taking an American Sign Language class.
You would think I'm asking her to cut off her arm when I ask her to practice numbers and the alphabet.
I don't know why this is so frustrating to me. It's been the same routine ever since I can remember! At least this go around I'll learn something new...
Here's a fall routine....I have Justin Bieber songs stuck in my head, as that's the only thing Brenna wants to listen to on the way to and from school.
One Less Lonely Girl is the song for the day.
I think I'm going to lower the boom and only allow the boy wonder in my car three days a week.
All this cooking must mean fall is in the air. Except it's still 102 degrees.
I tried making sweet potato fries.
Someone please explain to me why these sweet potatoes are not orange. Aren't they supposed to be orange? They looked more like jicama when I sliced it.
And, no. It wasn't jicama. I looked closely at the label in the store.
With my glasses ON, thank you very much.

They tasted like sweet potato fries, only not quite as sweet. They were delicious, but not the right color.
I found the recipe here. Yes, it's the same place as where I found the peach crisps. It's a very dangerous food blog...
Pinterest is also signaling the end of summer.
I found fall clothing ensembles. I do love the clothing ensembles on Pinterest, don't you? Even if it's not for my, ahem, age, I can keep the look and adapt it. As in bermuda shorts instead of little teeny, tiny ones. Or flats instead of four inch heels. I did like this outfit, as I didn't see a need to adapt it:
Well, maybe I can do without the funky sunglasses. And the bracelets. Those usually fall off my wrist. Nor do I care for the clunking sound.
But this? Oh, now this is perfect. Right down to the Starbucks cup. Notice that the white and green cup is a fashion accessory? Those fashionistas must have picked it up from me. Pretty sure.
Maybe I am ready for fall. Whew. I was a little worried there for a minute. Or a week.
the week in iphoto