Last week, I spent every day from 9-2 at Horse Camp. Actually, Brenna was enrolled for Horse Camp. But I went with her. I'm not sure who had more fun!
The days began by 12 kids grooming 6 horses. Manes were brushed, hooves were picked, and lots of love was given out.
Then the group split into two, with one going in the ring and the other staying out. The group that stayed out got to learn things like line dancing and cleaning saddles.
There were games to play and arts and crafts. It was hot during the day, so the sprinklers were turned on as well, and then there were snacks. (Brenna's favorite!)
I think the sprinklers were her second favorite.
Each day a horse would be brought out to learn about. Or play with, as was the case with the "Minnies." The smallest one is about as big as a labrador retriever. They LOVE being played with!!
On the other end of the spectrum was Luvey. She is a Percheron and is gorgeous and BIG!! It was fun to hear the kids when they watched her in the ring. (They only ones they were allowed in the ring with were the minnies.) "Woah!! Did you see that?" "How big IS she?"
The kids got to groom her, and I was impressed that Brenna even went near her. We were rewarded for this by a sneeze and a snot shower. That was gross.
This picture gives you a better perspective on how big she is. Luvey is as sweet as she is big!
Other days, the horses just provided a lot of fun to watch:
I love this picture:
The trainer says Chili was smelling something in the air!
When it was our turn in the ring to ride, I was able to go out with Brenna and walk with her along the rail. For an hour. We (I) would sing silly songs about the horses, we would talk, or we would talk to her horse, Splash.
This picture gives you an idea of what it was like in the ring with 6 kids. LOTS of instruction being given. When we added Brenna in the mix, it was like a pin ball machine! She tends to let her horse lead the way, instead of leading her horse. Hence me being in the ring with her.
Brenna rode western saddle, english saddle and even bareback one day! (Definitely NOT her favorite!) She gained quite a bit of skill in learning to lead the horse. Then one day, Brenna got really brave and decided to trot again. She hasn't trotted in probably over a month, since her horse gave her a little scare and decided to canter a few steps. Brenna has spent her lessons over the last month regaining her trust for her horse, just grooming and walking quite a bit. When she decided to trot like the other kids, I thought, "well, o.k. then-here we go!" I had hold of the horse and would jog with Brenna along the rail. Yes. Many laps were done with me jogging in boots and jeans and sweat pouring off my face while Brenna laughed and laughed. It was worth every minute.
After all the kids had ridden, it was time to groom again and put the horses back into their stalls. Then they got the hay into the wheel barrow and fed each horse before their own lunch.
One day after lunch, we did "painted ponies."
That was fun! Each person got their picture taken with their painted pony. Even more fun was giving them a bath the next day.
It was a glorious week! I was so proud of Brenna, learning so much each day. Many, many thanks to
El Camino Ranch and their wonderful trainers!

This sounds absolutely wonderful! I laughed out loud (literally) at the snot shower and the face on Chili the horse.
ReplyDeleteYou're a trooper to trot along side with jeans, sweat, and all. I guess it comes with that "mother" territory, doesn't it?
I think you BOTH had a great week!
I was going to say just what Debbie said... it sounds absolutely wonderful! Brenna continues to get braver and you continue to increase your experiences, Lynn! I think you are just a super mom.
ReplyDeleteLove the snot shower...that describes it sooo well!!
Love you!
That looks like so much fun! Great memories for Brenna!