
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dufus and Lucy Take A Trip To Fiesole

Sometimes my sister and I can laugh at ourselves. Let's just say it's an important thing to do while traveling.  Fiesole is where we named ourselves Dufus and Lucy. Since Carol is the more seasoned traveler in Italy, she got to be Lucy. 

One day, while in Italy, Dufus and Lucy decided to take the number seven bus to Fiesole. It's a short bus ride to this rural Tuscan area. 

It took them about an hour and a half to figure out where the right bus stop was, but they made it in time to hop on, buy their ticket from the bus driver and find a seat.

While there, Dufus and Lucy visited the remains of the Etruscan walls.

Marveled at the scenery,

and had fun taking pictures using the automatic timer.

They are easily pleased and had great fun running back to the camera to check out the picture.

Plus, running back and forth helped to keep them warm.
They walked (what else?) up a big, big hill to see a monastery.

They had a nice lunch, hopped back onto the number 7 bus, bought their ticket, and settled in for the picturesque ride home.

Until the bus police came on board.
The bus police looked directly at Dufus and Lucy and asked to see their bus tickets. The ladies happily brought forth their tickets, but were perturbed to see the bus police begin to frantically speak in Italian with many hand gestures. One police-bus person sat down and tried to explain to Lucy that they did not believe she and Dufus had purchased their tickets. Lucy kept telling the nice bus policeman that she and Dufus had just purchased the ticket from the bus driver not more than 20 minutes ago. (In English.) "Go ask her!" Lucy exclaimed. The bus police kept looking back and forth to Lucy, Dufus and the bus driver. Then one of the bus policemen took Lucy's ticket and went over to a machine that was on the bus and stamped Lucy's ticket.
Dufus just thought that all the people stamping their tickets were students with a gift-card-sort-of-ticket and stamped those until the card was empty.
Lucy thought that maybe, just maybe they should stamp their ticket, but quickly lost interest in the idea when the beautiful scenery showed up in the window.

The bus police men then brought out a ticket book and wrote down the price of a ticket for not stamping your purchased bus ticket.
50 euro.
Lucy and Dufus looked at each other and yelled, "FIFTY EURO???????"

Lucy, thinking quicky, dug around and found her ticket from the morning's bus ride up to Fiesole, and showed it to the bus police. "AAAHHHHH!!!" Was their reaction. (with the throwing up of the hands and everything!)
The gentlemen then turned their gaze upon Dufus, expecting her to show the ticket she purchased that morning.
She began to frantically dig through her bag, telling them (in English) that she too, had a ticket. No. REALLY. She had a ticket from the morning. She kept pulling out bags from cute shops she had bought things from and showed all the bags and said, "LOOK! I'm buying things from your country!!" Right. She thought it was a helpful thing to say.
Dufus thought it would also be helpful to shake her finger at the bus police and say, "Do not make me cry!"
Apparently it was, because they let Dufus out of a ticket and got off of the bus. Probably to go hunt down some other unsuspecting tourist and make them quake in their dumb walking shoes. It had to have been the walking shoes that tipped them off to ask about the stamped ticket.

Lucy and Dufus got off the bus in Florence, and promptly sat on a bench in the square to catch their breath.

"If we had gotten the ticket," Dufus asked Lucy. "and then gone home without paying it, what would they do? It's not like they would come to the United States and hunt us down or anything....would they?"
And she began taking pictures, because that always makes one feel better.

"I seriously doubt it."Said Lucy. "Would they track down Lauren and kick her out of the country for a 50 euro ticket?" wondered Dufus out loud.

"Well, I doubt that as well" said the sensible Lucy.
"But it wouldn't be worth the cost for them to come and hunt me down" mused Dufus.

"But knowing my luck, they would."

And with that thought, she was VERY relieved to have gotten out of a ticket.

Then Dufus and Lucy thought that a little Cafe Latte and a Bombolino would make everything all better.

The end.



  1. lynn, you had me shaking in my boots just reading this story. Seeing how ruff the italian police are, i would be so nervous that we would be going to jail...eeks.
    How horrible this must have been for you, I am happy you can laugh at it now but yikes, what an experience.

  2. Oh my! Now I will be sure to get my ticket stamped, should I ever find myself on a bus in Italy! That is just too funny! though I am sure it wasn't at the time:) Great photos, just beautiful!

  3. I was cracking up because it sounded like something that would happen to me!! HA!!! So glad they let you off!!!
    Sure am enjoying the photos! The view from that monastery is fabulous, huh?

    Thanks again for sharing! I know it takes time!

    Come by and check out my giveaway, ok???

    Love n hugs,

  4. OK, Lynn,
    You have a new job as a stand-up comic. Honestly, you are so funny! I just love reading what you have written!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful and hilarious trip.

  5. i want to travel with you.
    the story was hilarious. the photos breathtaking. love the red mail box. love you and your sister having so much fun.

  6. Hey wait, I thought that I was Dufus! Seasoned traveler...oh right. Only the second time on a bus in Italy. The other time was in Rome. We didn't stamp the ticket then, either. Hmmmmm....So, so fun reading this. You captured every minute of it soooo well. I think I would have gone to jail 'cause there was NO WAY I was paying them that kind of money on the bus. Like I had that much cash on me any way. That was such a fun day. Dufus and Lucy have to do more traveling together...soon!

  7. Doofus, you crack me up!!!

    I love the part about wagging your finger and saying, "Do not make me cry." LOL

    Glad it all worked out, but I'm actually thankful for your ordeal because you gave me the BEST laugh this morning.

    I kept picturing Lucy (the redhead one not the sister one) and the man saying, "Where is zee passa port??"

    What if they had put you on a NO FLY list until you paid your euro ticket. That would have been awful...ly funny.

  8. Oh my gosh.. That story had me laughing this morning.. And I am still on my first cup of coffee...
    You can laugh now.. But at the time I bet you were shaking in your boots..

    Thanks so much for sharing your story and your photos look wonderful my friend.. Hope you have a Happy Monday..

    Hugs, Linda

  9. Wow...stressful...glad it came AFTER the fun day of sightseeing, and was taken care of with a latte and bombolino LOL! Beautiful photos!

  10. OMG, Lynn!!! This could be a reality TV series!!! ((Said while laughing and crying!!!)) No one tells a story better than YOU. What a memorable day!!!! Hugs, Terri xoxoxoxo

  11. Just toooo frickn funny...you 2 had quite the adventure!!! Your lucky you finally found the right bus, when we took the train to Florence, we could not for the life of us find the right train...then a man came up & grabbed our stuff & told us to follow him, which we all did. Thinkin this was a kindness of strangers moment, we thanked him profusely as we got seated...then he stuck his hand out in front of my Dad. Where's the $$$, as I quickly opened a magazine to make sure he knew I had no $$$. I have no idea how much my Father had to pay to get us out of that mess, but it was worth it just to get on the right train!!
    You & Carol crack me up, I wish I could see a movie on your Italian vacation, would be be a comedy or a drama or a little of both?? LOL
    Hugs Girlfriend,

  12. You know Dufus, this story is ringing a bell with me. I seem to remember some problem with ticket stamping. I'll have to ask my husband tomorrow as I don't think he'd be happy if I woke him up to ask. And I really have the worst memory. What a hilarious story. I can't believe there are bus polizia!

  13. Probably a good thing that you only shook a finger at the bus police and not a whole fist....

    Or you would be blogging from the Italian clink.

    And the moral of the story is: All's well that ends with a Bombolino.

