Last weekend, with the help of my sweet respite worker and my even sweeter husband, I was able to take off for three days. It was a collection of AMAZING women in San Diego!! One of the girls put it as a "beautiful disaster." My eldest sister and her partner, one of my best friends and her two daughters, my eldest were all there- who could ask for more?
We ALL needed the weekend. The girls had just about had it with school, my sister is so over work, Miss Marilyn is always up for a trip, the mommies (Robin and myself), well. Need I say more?
We shopped up and down Ocean Beach, better known as "OB."
They have great antique stores, funky clothing stores and tattoo parlors galore. I almost got my nose pierced. Why? Who knows. (Maybe because I know it will horrify my 80 year old mother. Is it pathetic at 48 that it sounds like fun to do this to her?) I have wanted to since I went to India, but the people there told me to get it done in the States (it was cleaner), and then I never did. I think about doing it every time I'm down here.
We found out we had Delta Gamma sisters together. (Rachel and Marilyn). Who would not, not, not show us their secret handshake. But they would do the "DG" pose.
Lauren and Erin just made fun of DG's.
I love Rachel and Erin like they were my own. My eldest and my Robin's youngest (on the right) have been friends since I met their mom when the girls were just babies. We have all shared so much life together, we truly are extended family to each other.

These girls and their mom? A force to be reckoned with!!
Not to mention this trio!! This is my eldest sister, Carol, myself (I am the baby of the family-love that!) and my sweet Lauren.
There is something so fun and freeing to share time with my daughter and our friends. Especially when all the dorm-mates join us. I have so darn much fun with these girls. There is a sense of watching them come into being their own, and it is a beautiful sight. They are fully responsible, make their own choices, get through classes and relationships and living together, and then to be able to hear their opinions and what they are going through is beyond wonderful. I don't think my words do the experience justice. I never went through this experience, so I find it so fun/fascinating to watch them all together talking, laughing, telling us stories about teachers, projects, classes....what they want to do with their lives, how they want to travel, summer plans, next year's roommates...maybe it is the amazing potential I see. The fullness of life that exudes from these girls. How their futures are wide open for them.
I think we just about over-dosed on Starbucks this weekend.
Mmmmmm. What a way to go!!
Even better was the dessert we had that night from Extraordinary Desserts. This place is UNbelieveable. To give you an example of their choices:
Chocolate Bundt cake. And, yes, fresh flowers on everything and even gold leafing!
Lemon bars.

Coffee cake.
Are you drooling yet? I'm about ready to go raid my pantry right now.
Four berry "pies."
My daughter and I ended up sharing -get this- white chocolate macadamia nut cheescake with a macadamia nut shortbread crust paired with salted caramel ice cream. Did I get a picture of it? No. I was too busy snarfing eating!!!

I'll post more tomorrow. I don't want to wear you out on this one, 'cause there are several adventures to still fill you in on!
Much love,