I am just a little competitive, so when my friend Debbie of Words Upon Wheels put my name on her blog to see if I could list 7 random things about myself, I thought, "huh. I bet I could do that." So, here you go, Debbie!
1. I had never been outside the U.S. until was 45. Did i then go to europe? nah. asia? huh-uh. I went to India, complete with a trip down the Ganges river at dawn with floating dead bodies.
2. My natural hair color includes a LOT. of white. all over. too much, really. My hairdresser used to say it was so straight it looked like a cat sucked on it. Now it's curly and i use a straightner every day. Go figure.
3. I like the show Glee. And yes. I watch it every week,(with some discretion) but I have to tape it because my husband hates it. But I watch it anyway. My favorite episode is the one with Gyneth Paltrow and "Umbrella".
4. At least for the next four weeks, I am taking 18 pills a day to combat Ulcerative Colitis. Breakfast consists of fiber, water, 8 pills and more water. gag.
5. I have always wanted to sing back up for a huge band in front of an enormous audience. Like madison square garden or or some Woodstock-like audience. huge.
6. I watch Vh1 music videos while I work out at the YMCA. (I would watch Country Music Videos, but I don't think there's a channel for that.) Then, I embarrass my eldest by calling her and saying things like, "have you heard that song by Jay-z? something to do with a d.j.? it's soo good! Oh, it's by Usher? Right. Isn't it great??!!" I have found that I like Michael Franti, Train, Maroon 5, Sara Bareilles and I find Lady Gaga to be the most weirdly fascinating person.
7. The dumbest purchase I ever made was the red convertable Mustang that Lauren is currently driving. I thought I was past the days of carting children and backpacks around to various sporting events, but then Brenna surprised me by joining the co-ed Basketball and soccer team the year I bought the car. I could barely fit two kids into the back seat, let alone all the stuff into the trunk. And having the top down? Not in the summer, when it's 112 degrees out here. It's like being roasted in an open pit. That only works at the beach. The best time is the fall, when you can turn the heater on and have the top down. Lauren doesn't like it either, because she can't take anyone anywhere. Do you hear me complaining?

Thanks for this, Debbie-it was a lot of fun. And now you all know more about me than you ever wanted to!!!!
1. I had never been outside the U.S. until was 45. Did i then go to europe? nah. asia? huh-uh. I went to India, complete with a trip down the Ganges river at dawn with floating dead bodies.
yeah. pretty at dawn, huh?
2. My natural hair color includes a LOT. of white. all over. too much, really. My hairdresser used to say it was so straight it looked like a cat sucked on it. Now it's curly and i use a straightner every day. Go figure.
3. I like the show Glee. And yes. I watch it every week,(with some discretion) but I have to tape it because my husband hates it. But I watch it anyway. My favorite episode is the one with Gyneth Paltrow and "Umbrella".
5. I have always wanted to sing back up for a huge band in front of an enormous audience. Like madison square garden or or some Woodstock-like audience. huge.
6. I watch Vh1 music videos while I work out at the YMCA. (I would watch Country Music Videos, but I don't think there's a channel for that.) Then, I embarrass my eldest by calling her and saying things like, "have you heard that song by Jay-z? something to do with a d.j.? it's soo good! Oh, it's by Usher? Right. Isn't it great??!!" I have found that I like Michael Franti, Train, Maroon 5, Sara Bareilles and I find Lady Gaga to be the most weirdly fascinating person.
7. The dumbest purchase I ever made was the red convertable Mustang that Lauren is currently driving. I thought I was past the days of carting children and backpacks around to various sporting events, but then Brenna surprised me by joining the co-ed Basketball and soccer team the year I bought the car. I could barely fit two kids into the back seat, let alone all the stuff into the trunk. And having the top down? Not in the summer, when it's 112 degrees out here. It's like being roasted in an open pit. That only works at the beach. The best time is the fall, when you can turn the heater on and have the top down. Lauren doesn't like it either, because she can't take anyone anywhere. Do you hear me complaining?

No, this is not me. I don't smile in this car anymore. Well, maybe once in a while with the top down.
Thanks for this, Debbie-it was a lot of fun. And now you all know more about me than you ever wanted to!!!!