
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Meet The 3 Pens That Changed My Life.

O.K., so maybe I'm a little dramatic.
All though, in all fairness, these pens have made a HUGE impact on my life.

Say hello to (from top to bottom) the
Fudenosuke Brush Pen, hard tip, from Tombowusa.
My arch nemesis, the Dual Brush Pen in black and the fabulous find from Amazon, the Posca Paint Pen- which I found quite by accident.

All I do thanks to these three is think about lettering and I have joined a 30 day challenge over at 30daysofbiblelettering.com 

I won't lie-it's knocking me out of my tidy boundaries.

 I'm looking up all kinds of fonts, and I have yet another great reason to peruse Pinterest. 
I look at the other's and try my hardest to not think, "Oh. Well, then. Mine looks like a kindergartener did it." Instead, I tell my brain, "Maybe so, but that just means you have so many fun things to learn!"
I'm also seeing that I need waaaay more light in my art room and using bifocals compared to progressive lenses helps as well. Nothing that any self-respecting kindergartener would have to deal with, that's for sure. 

It all began with my new friend, Posca. The paint flows well, it dries quickly, you can color on top of another color and this means they all live on top of my desk. The only thing I have to watch is if I use them on any sort of a rough surface, the nib rubs off a bit. But they have stood the test. I used them on stained wood for a wedding project last week and they came through like a champ.

Next came the Dual Brush Pen. This one threw me for a loop. 

I wobble all over with this pen. I can't get the upswing to be thinner than the downstroke. It's a mystery to me. I have actually found it easier with a brush I found in Chinatown in San Fransisco!

I found I had more control with this, and I can't wait to find a better brush and more intense paints. Maybe I'll water down acrylics and see how they do. 

Then I found the golden girls of the brush pens.
Next to the Dual Brush Pen, the Fudoneske sisters pack a wallop when it comes to control.

See those little bitty tips?
Lotta control and you have to push on the downstroke. 
It's difficult to tell, but the one on the far left is the hard tip, the in the middle is the soft tip.

Here's another example:

Hard tip, Soft tip and Brush tip.

 Hard tip:
It flows fast and writes hard. You really have to make an effort on the downstroke.

Soft tip:
This has a juicy flow and the downstroke just needs a hint of pressure. 

There you have it.
It's far from perfect, but I hope I've encouraged you to give one or more of these a try. It's a great meditative process and just fun.
Thanks for joining me on this little road of discovery!

joining in on the fun at 


  1. Such a dramatic title-made me giggle! Thank you so much for the information-it helps! :)
    Suchi xx

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Thanks for sharing! Pens are like an addiction to me...of course I'm not as skilled with them as you are...someday! Kim S.

  4. Thanks for sharing! Writing implements have always been an addiction of mine...one day I will be as skilled with them as you are!

  5. It's always a pleasure to test new pens.Your writing looks beautiful to me.

  6. Thanks for the intro to these pens and to #30daysofbiblelettering. I may join in. Your lettering is looking great! Love the one you did in the heart shape. :)

  7. thanks for sharing your experience with these pens. I love my Posca pens along with Pitt pens. Happy PPF!

  8. gorgeous work with your new pens! I have to find me some waterproof ones.

  9. It's fun, and passion with which they explain. Thank you.
    Saludos desde España

  10. wow, that was amazing and I learned so much from this, I love pens as well and enjoy trying different techniques!

  11. Beautiful...I will be bookmarking this page and info...thank you for so generously sharing your talent and pens!! Love it!

    Hugs Giggles

  12. Thanks for sharing your take on these pens. I think all your lettering looks fantastic! I have tried the Tombow Dual brush pen and loved it - but I was not doing fancy lettering - I liked it because it was so "wet" - I can't stand a marker that feels "dry" and drags across the paper. I have never tried the Posca. Probably need to look for those. ;)

  13. I like the results you get with your different pens and scripts.
