Alas, I had no coffee in the house, so I threw on my oldest, comfiest sweats, added black slippers to my white socks, put on my dark glasses and went through the Starbucks drive-thru. I was truly a vision of loveliness. Who knew in the drive-thru how beautiful I was??? Didn't even take the DOGS for a ride. Then I saw this:
I drove back home, grabbed my camera and took my lovely self back out to snap some pictures. (Minus dogs AGAIN. They are really peeved with me now.) I would not recommend tromping around in slippers to get pictures, but hey, sometimes you just can't help yourself. Or your brain just isn't working right.
This is the front of an old farm property by my house. We can never figure out who lives there or what they do, but right now, the property is for sale. I haven't seen it bloom or grow anything green on it for a while. Pretty, isn't it? O.K., I realize it's just weeds, but it is a gorgeous bloom all over! And no, I am not running a fever.
The bees were very busy. Do you think they know we are supposed to get an inch of rain tomorrow?
Well, it was worth it, black slippers and all. I'm sure Lauren would give me some kind of an award for best dressed mom. I'm pretty sure.
Think I'll go get some more Tylenol.