Here are the babies!
I know!! Gorgeous. This one is a little shy.
Does this look like a new mother's face, or what?
This one (I keep calling them this one, 'cause I don't know their names. They aren't on the front of the stables and if they were, I would probably forget because they are so darn long!!)
ventured out a little, but Mamma kept banging on the stable wall for dinner.

You know the saying, "when mamma ain't happy..."

"honey, ain't NObody happy." And in she went.
I do love this one for the great legs. It reminds me of my eldest daughter when she was little. Long 'ole legs and knobby knees!
Now THIS one. Oh, does this one have personality plus. She (?) is also so furry, they had to shave part of her neck to find a vein for innoculations!
So soft!

She loves attention, and is the only one of the bunch that will come up and let you scratch her head.

Just like her Mamma. Mamma and I lean our heads together and I rub her face and we commiserate together.
I think we are best friends now.
These two are so beautiful. The mane on this baby?
Aren't these curls to die for???!!
All in all, it was a nice day in the neigh-borhood. Ha ha ha!
Well....seeing as how you are here, I might as well show you what Miss Brenna worked on today!!!
Balance. At a trot, no less!
Show off!
And holding the reins with two hands.
Yup, it was a good day.